
Powerhouse Movement Lab

Powerhouse Movement Lab is a multi-professional approach to movement analysis that resolves pain, nagging injuries, and halted progression only understood by people like us.

Request your Initial Movement Lab Consultation today.

Pain, stiffness, feeling tight and restricted is a common symptom for so many people every day. It shouldn’t be. We talk to demoralized people consistently who feel they will never resolve their pain and it’s just something they have to live with. However, 99% of pain and dysfunction is treatable, solvable, and can be eliminated with the plan. Most injuries are preventable and temporary with the help of coaches who know what to do.

We want to teach you what we know so you can fix yourself.

For the active population, it can be nearly impossible to find a movement professional who truly understands what we do and why we train. Aching low back after deadlifts? A pinch in your shoulder at the top of your clean & jerk? Squats just been feeling off lately? We’ve all been there. When frustrations arise from nagging injuries or a lack of progress, people like us need professionals that get it.

Here at Bowling Green Powerhouse we are proud to offer the first of its kind; a truly multi professional approach to movement & performance.


Coach Stephen Burba, BS, CSCS, AICCoach Burba is a coach and owner of BG Powerhouse who has been sharpening his tool of coaching since he was in high school. He has spent countless hours expanding his knowledge through continuing education and addit…

Coach Stephen Burba, BS, CSCS, AIC

Coach Burba is a coach and owner of BG Powerhouse who has been sharpening his tool of coaching since he was in high school. He has spent countless hours expanding his knowledge through continuing education and additional certifications. In addition to his Bachelor degree in Exercise science, he is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, a Level 2 Reflexive Performance Reset practitioner, a certified USA Weightlifting Sports Performance coach, among others. He believes that through training, one can discover their true selves and become who they were meant to be. Coach Burba coaches the Strongman, Empower, and Powerlifting programs at BG Powerhouse in addition to training many individual youth and strength & conditioning clients.

Coach & LMT Nikki Stock, LMT, MS, CSCSCoach Nikki is a passionate lifter and coach with over 8 years of training experience. She holds a Master Degree in Kinesiology and is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Strength and Conditioning Spe…

Coach & LMT Nikki Stock, LMT, MS, CSCS

Coach Nikki is a passionate lifter and coach with over 10 years of training experience. She holds a Master Degree in Kinesiology and is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. She holds certifications for USA Weightlifting, CrossFit, FMS, Acu-cupping, and Bowen Therapy. With a diverse background in coaching fitness and strength sport modalities, she uses her bodywork and coaching expertise to provide a multidimensional approach to pain, dysfunction, and performance enhancement. She coaches Olympic weightlifting, Empower, and independent strength athletes at the gym while running her massage practice within BG Powerhouse. Her biggest goal is to help people learn how to use movement to optimize all aspects of life to exceed one's own expectations and beliefs.

Your initial Movement Lab Consultation is up to 2 hours of movement professionals assessing your movements, considering your experiences, history, and primary complaints, and together forming a plan on how you can resolve your pain and dysfunction through movement and bodywork.



Dylan S., Movement Lab Client

"The Movement Lab at BG Powerhouse is great, specialists from multiple disciplines work together to come up with the best rehab, prehab, or corrective interventions for the athlete. I have chronic knee pain and they did a full diagnostic work-up there in the gym and provided me with helpful feedback to decrease the pain and improve my squatting technique. I would recommend anyone to consult the Movement Lab with any training or movement injuries or questions."