Session Three in our Injury Prevention Series will be focused on the most common ailments of daily living, neck and back issues!! This series will include a beloved friend and colleague Dr. Ray Kociolek who will also share his vast experience and knowledge as a chiropractor and athletic trainer. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to have some pros assess you and help you get on the RIGHT plan for healthier movement. WE ARE NOW OFFERING LIVE-STREAM TICKETS!
Brief schedule:
Discussion of any current pains or history of injuries relevant to the series
Where are you now: prehab or rehab
Tension vs. position and developing better Trunk control
When/why/how to stretch
Understanding of the nervous system: Compensation, tightness, weakness, and the importance of the NS in prehab/rehab
What is your core and how should you use it or train it
Threshold training
Building a training program for the future you